Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Lightning never strikes twice...

The sky was overcast when we awoke today, it was hot, humid and really rather unpleasant. There was talk of a day off and a round of poker was played. One player clearly won this (by a country mile - but that was forgotten later in the day for the second hand, not that I'm bitter). By 1330hrs I could see a clearance on the satpic so took a launch anyway, along with Andy and Ben in JTU. The climb on Arambre was easy up to 5,000', there was a ridge climb to 5,500' on St Genis and it was off to Chabre. The ridge here was working OK but therms were a better bet to 7,000' and then it was off to the Lure. Here there was a clear Cu Nim building but we figured we had a good half hour before it got really active. WRONG!

A bolt of lightning 500m from JTU's wingtip encouraged us to depart pronto and head back North to a wave bar forming near Serres which took us to 8,000'. A bit of meandering around bars out to Pic de Bure and it was time to go home and have a dip in the pool, a good meal and a second round of poker (that was reset and ignored those who had clearly been winning earlier, not that I'm bitter).

Cake of the day: Eclair (for all you French speakers)

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