Thursday 30 May 2013

Day 6

Mt Pelvoux
Baron Broomhandle prepares his trusty steed

Much better weather today, with a higher cloudbase and a 10-15ktWNW to keep things mixed up. We had an easy start on Arambre then went South onto the Lure and started towards Ventoux. The ridge wasn't working that well as the wave was dumping on it so we turned and ran East to just short of Aups. A good line of energy took us up to the Par Cours and on past Prachaval to Briancon. We ran across to look at the Glacier Blanc but the downdraughts here were still not helping.
So  much nicer when the cloudbase is 12,000'...

We finished off at Col de Cabre and landed relatively early in time for the usual €15 five course meal on site. 426kms by OLC standards - not such a bad day out and tomorrow promises to be a good mistral wave day.
Looking good for tomorrow?

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